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Natural Disaster Relief

Message of the Secretary General on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019)

When disasters occur, cross-border trade rules applicable to consignments containing humanitarian assistance – particularly for highly regulated items such as foodstuffs, medication, medical equipment, vehicles and telecommunications – are complicated by the imperative need for speed, the unfamiliarity of some donors with local rules, and the disruption of normal procedures.

Given its position at borders, Customs plays a key role in facilitating the expeditious movement of goods sent as emergency humanitarian aid.

You will find below information on WCO instruments and tools relating to the movement of consignments containing goods for humanitarian assistance, initiatives taken by WCO Members, as well as the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

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WCO C-RED Project

The Customs for Relief of Epidemic Diseases (C-RED) Project provided support to the Customs Administrations in West Africa that were mainly affected by the Ebola epidemic crisis to be better prepared to support the fight against the effect of regional epidemic diseases and natural disasters.

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WCO COVID-19 Project

In June 2020, as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and with the financial support of the Government of Japan, the World Customs Organization (WCO) launched the “Project to Improve the Capacity of Developing Countries’ Customs Administrations to Respond to the Impact of COVID-19”, also known as the WCO COVID-19 Project.

The overall purpose is to ensure the security, stability and continuity of global supply chains, while facilitating and expediting the supply of emergency relief goods around the world by enhancing Customs’ disaster preparedness.

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