WCO Information Sheets on Key Trade Facilitation Measures
A number of trade facilitation measures have been proposed by WTO Members during the WTO Trade Facilitation negotiations. While Customs are familiar with almost all of these trade facilitation measures, it might be slightly difficult to explain these measures to national stakeholders without providing written material.
Accordingly, the WCO has prepared information sheets to help administrations to explain the WCO concept and terms of some of the key trade facilitation measures. As a matter of fact the WCO has worked on for some considerable time on these concepts, in particular, during work related to the revision of the Kyoto Convention.
The information sheets should not be regarded as additional proposals to the WTO negotiations or alternatives to the WTO Members’ proposals. They were prepared to assist trade negotiators better understand certain key topics. The WCO is ready to respond to inquiries on these concepts and terms. Questions on the WTO Members’ proposals should be made to the proponents of the proposals.
The WCO papers are on the following topics: