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UN Agencies

  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • The WCO, in co-operation with the ICAO and IATA, has been working on the revision of the WCO/IATA/ICAO Guidelines on Advance Passenger Information (API). The WCO also co-operates with ICAO in the areas of simplifying Customs procedures vis-à-vis air passengers and cargo. The WCO also actively contributes to ICAO’s work on maintaining and revising Annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation-Facilitation. This annex covers many Customs procedures.

  • International Maritime Organization (IMO)
  • The WCO actively participates in the IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL) FAL agreed that it would work on the Single Window in collaboration with the WCO and other relevant international organizations. The two organizations are examining possible amendments to IMO instruments to take into account the WCO Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade (known as SAFE).

  • United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)
  • The Economic Commission for Western Asia (ECWA) was established on 9 August 1973 pursuant to Economic and Social Council’s resolution 1818 (LV). Its purpose was to stimulate economic activity in member countries, strengthen cooperation between them promote development.

  • United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • The WCO has been working with UNCTAD in the area of trade facilitation. UNCTAD launched an assistance program to support developing and least developing Countries’ capacity building in order that they may be able to participate more actively in the WTO trade facilitation negotiations with special emphasis on the importance of developmental aspects and involvement of the private sector.

    The WCO instruments related to the WTO Trade Facilitation negotiations and their consistency with the three GATT Articles on which the WTO members are negotiating have been promoted through this forum.

  • United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific (ESCAP)
  • The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) serves as the United Nations’ regional hub promoting cooperation among countries to achieve inclusive and sustainable development. The largest regional intergovernmental platform with 53 Member States and 9 associate members, ESCAP has emerged as a strong regional think-tank offering countries sound analytical products that shed insight into the evolving economic, social and environmental dynamics of the region.

  • United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
  • The Economic Commission for Western Asia (ECWA) was established on 9 August 1973 pursuant to Economic and Social Council’s resolution 1818 (LV). Its purpose was to stimulate economic activity in member countries, strengthen cooperation between them promote development.

  • United Nations / Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
  • The Sub Directorate works closely with the UN/ECE by contributing to the work of a number of United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) Working and Steering Groups. In particular the work of the International Trade Procedures Working Group (ITPWG) and UN/EDIFACT Working Group (EWG) were of interest as regards e-business standardization and UN/CEFACT's activities in the area of trade facilitation.

    The principal working partner in this regard is the Trade and Business Group on Customs (TBG4) but also other Trade and Business Groups; on Trade (TBG1), Digital Papers (TBG2), Transport (TBG3), Business Process Analysis (TBG14) and International Trade Facilitation (TBG15) are also becoming important partners .The WCO also contributed to the UN/ECE Inland Transport Committee.s Working Group on Customs questions affecting transport (known as WP30).

    The WCO also organizes meetings of the Administrative Committee for the Customs Convention on Containers, 1972. The WCO is liaising closely with the UN/ECE on whose behalf the WCO administers this Convention. The UN/ECE is administering the TIR Convention (Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets) and it has been increasingly important to work in a collaborative manner between the administrative bodies of the two Conventions.

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
  • The WCO and UNESCO cooperate to combat illicit trafficking in cultural property. The two Organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and have jointly developed a UNESCO-WCO Model Export Certificate for Cultural Objects and explanatory notes to the model.

  • Universal Postal Union (UPU)
  • The WCO continues to co-operate with the UPU through the WCO/UPU Contact Committee. The items of mutual interest include: global security issues; electronic information exchange; implementation and capacity building for the use of CN22 and CN23 forms; and consignment service in the post.