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Revised ECP Action Plan for Phase IV

The ECP Action Plan for Phase IV from January 2019 to December 2020, which is in line with the WCO Strategic Plan, was endorsed by the Policy Commission at its 80th Session in December 2018. Since the June 2019 WCO Council Sessions endorsed the new WCO Strategic Plan for 2019/2022, the ECP Action Plan for Phase IV needed to be revised. The Revised ECP Action Plan for Phase IV (January 2019 to June 2020) was developed and endorsed by the Policy Commission in December 2019.

The following new and updated tools and instruments are planned for development under the Revised Action Plan for Phase IV from January 2019 to June 2020:

  • Compendium of the Best Practices in the Area of Transit
  • Revision of the technical and non-technical Guidelines of the WCO Data Model
  • Discussion on small island economies that could potentially lead to the development of guidance
  • Research report on Special Customs Zones (SCZs) and development/revision of WCO instruments and tools
  • Comprehensive review of the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC)
  • Discussion on the development of Guidance on Railway Customs Procedures
  • Guiding Principles for Pre-loading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI)
  • Guidelines on the Alignment of the WCO's AEO and ICAO's Regulated Agent/Known Consignor Programmes
  • Update the Study Report on Disruptive Technologies with new case studies