WCO Trade Tools (www.wcotradetools.org) compiles information to support international trade actors in the classification of goods and the determination of the corresponding Customs tariffs. This new database offers a single point of access to the Harmonized System, preferential Rules of Origin and Valuation, through a completely new, user-centric and ergonomic interface.
In addition to a new interface design and new search engines, this new platform offers the following key features:
- Ability to cross-reference information by using a comparison tool in the Harmonized System (HS) and Rules of Origin
- A direct overview of the most recent HS updates, highlighting the changes introduced
- A system for tracking the evolution of the HS codes across editions, using a “History” tool
- A facility for searching through the Product Specific Rules in more than 200 Free Trade Agreements, and access to the corresponding HS entry.
The new platform will also promote cooperation among the different teams within Customs administrations, as well as with Customs brokers and companies, through various features such as the possibility to tag information, write comments and share folders. It offers the possibility of further enhancing use of the platform; users can search through the extensive databases, as well as organizing and storing the content according to their personal preferences.
This new tool includes the 2022, 2017, 2012, 2007 and 2002 editions of the HS, around 200 Free Trade Agreements with their preferential Rules of Origin/product specific recommendations, and the set list of Valuation texts, including those of the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation.
Please access it here: www.wcotradetools.org