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Decisions taken by the Committee on Customs Valuation

List of Decisions taken by the Committee on Customs Valuation

1.1 French translation of the term "copyrights" in the Interpretative Note to Article 8.1 (c) of the Agreement. (Adopted, 1st meeting, 13 January 1981)

2.1 Meaning of the word "undertaken" used in Article 8.1 (b) (iv) of the Agreement. (Adopted, 6th meeting, 3 March 1983)

3.1 Treatment of interest charges in the Customs value of imported goods. (Adopted, 9th meeting, 26 April 1984)

4.1 Valuation of carrier media bearing software for data processing equipment. (Adopted, 10th meeting, 24 September 1984)

5.1 Terms in Article 8.1 (b) (iv): Development. (Adopted, 12th Meeting, 9-10May 1985)

6.1 Cases where Customs administrations have reasons to doubt the truth or accuracy of the declared value. (Adopted, 1st meeting of WTO Valuation Committee, 12 May 1995)

7.1 Minimum values and imports by sole agents, sole distributors and sole concessionaires. (Adopted, 1st meeting of WTO Valuation Committee, 12 May 1995)