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Administrative Committee for the Customs Convention on Containers, 1972

Confirmed by the Council - June 2005

Updated – February 2017

Chairperson : Elected at each meeting

Vice-Chairperson : Elected at each meeting

Established : 1976

Duration : Unspecified

1. Mandate

The Administrative Committee for the Customs Convention on Containers, 1972 is established to consider the implementation of the Customs Convention on Containers, 1972 and any amendment proposed thereto.

The Administrative Committee shall also maintain the Handbook and issue Opinions and Comments for inclusion therein.

2. Membership

The Committee shall consist of Contracting Parties to the Convention. The Committee may decide that States referred to in Article 18 which are not Contracting Parties or representatives of international organizations may attend the sessions of the Committee as observers.

3. Purpose and Scope

To achieve the mandate, the Administrative Committee shall :

  • Examine proposals for amendments to the Convention.
  • Examine proposals for inclusion in the Handbook and where appropriate issue Opinions and Comments for inclusion therein.
  • Examine relevant developments in other WCO working bodies and international organizations, as appropriate.

4. Key Deliverables

The Committee shall adopt a report. This report shall contain comments on the Agenda Items discussed and their conclusions.

The Committee shall recommend amendments to the Convention to the Contracting Parties.

The Committee shall issue Opinions and Comments for inclusion in the Handbook, as appropriate.

5. Means of Operation

The Administrative Committee shall, on the occasion of every session, elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson.


The Agenda for each session shall be drawn up by the Secretary General. It shall include any proposals for amendments to the Convention communicated by the Contracting Parties. The draft Agenda shall be circulated to the competent administrations of the Contracting Parties and of the States referred to in Article 18 of the Convention which are not Contracting Parties, at least six weeks before the Committee meets.

Rules of Procedure:

The Rules of Procedure for the Administrative Committee are set out in the Convention. In the absence of relevant provisions in the Convention, the Rules of Procedure of the Council shall be applicable unless the Committee decides otherwise.


A quorum shall not be required for taking any formal decision.

6. Resources Required

Meetings: The Secretary General shall convene the Committee at a time fixed by the Committee, but not less frequently than once every two years and also at the request of the competent administrations of at least five Contracting Parties.

General administrative arrangements: The general administrative arrangements for the Administrative Committee, including the date and duration of each session and the priorities to be fixed for the items on the Committee’s Agenda, are the responsibility of the Secretary General.