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  • Customs - Police Cooperation Handbook

    The Customs – Police Cooperation Handbook aims to foster increased cooperation between the two types of agencies at the national level. While this document highlights the need for customs – police cooperation, on the one hand, it also offers professional insight on how to strengthen the collaboration between these institutions that are so important to a country’s national security.

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  • Frontline Customs Officers’ Guide to Key Multilateral Environmental Agreements

    This Guide is intended to supply condensed information to frontline Customs officers on key aspects related to key Multilateral Environmental Agreements: Basel Convention, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), Cartagena Protocol, Chemical Weapons Convention, and Montreal Protocol. It should be read in conjunction with the Green Customs Guide on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

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  • Guidelines for Post-Clearance Audit

    These Guidelines reflect a new approach to post-clearance audit (PCA) that resulted in a comprehensive review and update of the previous PCA Guidelines developed in 2006. It highlights Members’ growing need to secure revenue while facilitating legitimate trade, and also the emerging and increasing migration of Customs activities away from traditional border controls to the post-clearance environment embedded in a wider trade facilitation context.

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  • Customs Enforcement Guidelines on Countering Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

    The Guidelines are meant to supplement existing guidelines of other international organizations and regional bodies and provide some model cases of Customs enforcement practices which are being employed by Member administrations and proven to be effective.

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  • WCO Strategic Trade Control Enforcement Implementation Guide

    This implementation guide provides practical assistance related to enforcing strategic trade controls. It should serve as a guide for WCO Members in the development and review of their Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) processes and procedures and provide a framework for training along those lines.

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