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The WCO has been developing new tools and instruments and been delivering capacity building projects in accordance with the ECP Action Plans. The first ECP Action Plan was endorsed by the Policy Commission in December 2012.  The second ECP Action plan was adopted by the Policy Commission in December 2014.  The ECP Action Plan for Phase III, running from January 2017 to December 2018, was endorsed at the 76th Session of the Policy Commission in December 2016. The Action Plan for Phase IV from January 2019 to December 2020, which is in line with the WCO Strategic Plan was endorsed by the Policy Commission in December 2018. Since the June 2019 WCO Council Sessions endorsed the new WCO Strategic Plan for 2019/2022, the ECP Action Plan for Phase IV needed to be revised. The Revised ECP Action Plan for Phase IV (January 2019 to June 2020) was developed and endorsed by the Policy Commission in December 2019.