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Strengthening the culture of integrity in Palestinian Customs: Staff training as a preventive measure in the fight against corruption

29 八月 2023

From 20 to 23 August 2023, following several virtual Training of Trainers workshops on the topic of integrity culture and in relation to the analysis of the CIPS results, the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme supported Palestinian Customs officials in delivering the first integrity culture workshop focusing on the training of Customs and VAT staff in Palestine.

Following scoping activities conducted with Palestine in 2020, an A-CIP project plan was developed, identifying priorities on which the WCO's technical assistance and capacity building (TACB) support under the Programme would focus. This in-country mission contributed to the specific priority, “Internal affairs function reinforced”. The training was the result of a corruption-prevention and integrity-promotion measure adopted within the internal control functions and is directly related to the WCO Revised Arusha Declaration key factor, Audit & Investigation.

This TACB activity, which is part of the WCO A-CIP Culture of Integrity Programme curriculum, enabled 20 participants to identify and take ownership of tools and good practices to support organisational change within their administration, create a working environment that fosters integrity-based professional behaviours and encourage each customs official to position themselves as a fully committed A-CIP actor.

Customs & VAT officials and customs police holding key positions attended the workshop. The highlights of the workshop were, in particular, the analysis of the results of the Palestinian Customs Integrity Perception Survey, the exchange of experiences, and the detailed analysis of the key factors of the revised Arusha Declaration and the response that can be taken at institutional, individual or managerial level to fight against corruption. Collaborative action between the different internal control units is essential in the fight against corruption. An update on corruption offences was provided by the Head of the Legal Unit of the Palestinian Anti-corruption Commission, who participated in one of the sessions.

Concluding the workshop, participants committed themselves to take individual actions to spread the culture of integrity and create a working environment conducive to integrity behaviour. In addition to the training workshop, the Bethlehem Customs & VAT office was visited to raise awareness of the A-CIP Programme and to disseminate the work on integrity culture being carried out by Palestinian Customs.

The WCO A-CIP Programme supports more than 20 WCO Member administrations, with funding from Norad and Canada. For more information, please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org.