The WCO further enhances its capabilities to provide Capacity Building support in the area of Transit

26 March 2019

An Accreditation Workshop for French-speaking experts on Transit was held from 18 to 22 March 2019 at the WCO Headquarters in Brussels with the support of the Japanese Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF Japan).

The event was organized with the objective of setting up a pool of French-speaking Technical and Operational Advisors capable of independently leading, on behalf of the WCO for its Members, Technical Assistance missions in the field of Transit.

The Workshop was attended by twelve pre-selected candidates representing five of the WCO regions. Participants from Algeria, Benin, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Dominican Republic, France, Georgia, Guinea, Mali, Morocco and Togo worked intensively and demonstrated their knowledge and skills to deliver Capacity Building activities in the area of transit. Moreover, the Workshop served as a forum for sharing different practices and examples of transit regimes, as well as discussing challenges and solutions.

The participants that successfully completed the Accreditation Workshop will be invited to the next stage of the WCO expert accreditation process, an in-field mission with a qualified WCO expert in the area of transit. Fully accredited experts will be expected to conduct future WCO Capacity Building activities.