The WCO delivers a Data Analytics Workshop for the Customs Administration of Mongolia within the GTFP Framework

02 February 2023

From 23 to 27 January 2023, the Mongolian Customs General Administration (MCGA) hosted a 5-day workshop on Data Analytics as part of the Light-Touch Intervention (LTI) within the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) framework in a hybrid format with the participation of over 80 customs officials, including the regional Customs offices in the country.

The workshop focused on supporting the Customs Administration of Mongolia in building evidence-based decision-making capacities. This assistance is part of a series of activities envisioned to enhance the MCGA’s organizational and technical capabilities, which are needed to take advantage of the explosion in data, optimize the use of data analytics and make better-informed decisions. This activity also counted on the kind participation and support of scholars from the WCO BACUDA Project.

During the sessions, the participants were highly engaged in working with big data, analytics algorithms and practical cases.  As an important outcome, the Mongolian customs officials drafted a Data Governance Strategy under the experts' guidance. The WCO experts provided tailored support, delivering recommendations for becoming a data-driven organization with concrete measures to implement in the short and long term.

The SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme (GTFP) started its light-touch intervention in Mongolia in May 2022 with the objective of assisting the MCGA in developing a Risk-based Customs Control Strategy aligned with WCO instruments and tools and international best practices in risk management, in accordance with the WTO TFA Article 7.4 and the WCO Risk Management Compendium.

For more information on the GTFP, please contact