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Saudi Customs hosts Risk Management Workshop

06 ноября 2014

The WCO in cooperation with Saudi Customs organized a Risk Management / Assessment Workshop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 27 to 30 October 2014. The Workshop was attended by 45 participants from the Headquarters, airport and regional Customs offices.

During the opening remarks, Mr. Abdullah Alrasheed, Director General of the Information Center, and representatives of the WCO highlighted the importance of adopting a holistic approach when implementing risk management. They also emphasized the relationship between risk-based selectivity and effective resource allocation, facilitation and control.

Certain elements of risk management at the organizational level were covered during the first two days of the Workshop. Subsequently, the workshop emphasized risk management at the operational level (risk assessment, profiling and targeting, including information and intelligence), through several syndicate group tasks, practical exercises, case studies and videos. Each session was followed by lively discussions, questions and answers.

During the syndicate group tasks, participants entered into in-depth discussions on how to identify risks and possible treatments as well as how to develop an effective profile by following the methodology explained in the WCO Customs Risk Management Compendium. Case studies and practical exercises also contributed to deepening and understanding of the topics.
