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Performance Measurement Workshop for the National Customs of Bolivia

01 марта 2018

The World Customs Organization (WCO) conducted a 5-day workshop on Management Based Performance Measurement for the National Customs of Bolivia (ANB), in the City of La Paz, Bolivia from 29 January to 2 February 2018.

The event was attended by 29 officials from different branches of the ANB, both from the central office as well as from the Regional Offices of the Customs.

The technical assistance began with a meeting between the WCO expert in charge of the mission, the representative of the strategic planning unit, the international affairs adviser, and Lic. Marelene Ardaya - Executive President of the National Customs. During the workshop, the participants were familiarized with the different stages of the strategic planning process, formulation of strategic objectives, the development of the performance indicators and their respective goals. The alignment of the strategic projects with their respective objectives was reviewed.

The immediate objective of the Technical Assistance was to provide a methodology for measuring the indicators of customs management and its corresponding application for decision making. Based on the results obtained, ANB will have instruments that will allow the monitoring and evaluation of data. As a medium-term objective, the WCO and the ANB decided to establish a culture of measurement with a focus on results-based management that allows for the provision and analysis of indicator information for decision-making.