WCO Regional Workshop on Data Analytics for WCA region

24 March 2021

The World Customs Organization (WCO) virtual workshop on Data Analytics (DA) for manager levels in the West and Central Africa (WCA) region was held from 18th to 19th March 2021, supported by CCF-Korea. The workshop was attended by 56 participants from 19 Customs Administrations of the Western Central Africa region and 2 additional participants from France and Korea.

The WCO introduced a comprehensive and holistic overview of Big Data Analytics and its efforts in developing a Capacity Building Framework on this topic and shared practical guiding principles of many other initiatives. The workshop also provided an opportunity for Customs managers to strengthen the network of data analytics practitioners by sharing the experiences and good practices of Members, including Niger, Nigeria, Belgium, Cote d'Ivoire, France and Korea.

The participants were also updated on the latest developments regarding WCO capacity building initiatives. These included:  1) the future plan for technical assistance, 2) online and offline training courses to learn data science including programming skills, 3) the recent algorithm development by the BACUDA Expert Group – from HS classification to the comparison analysis for the Price Validation using the current prices in e-Commerce.

The managers from WCA region highly appreciated the activity and shared ideas on the next steps to further cooperate with the BACUDA Project to enhance capacity in DA nationally and regionally.

For more information please contact capacity.building@wcoomd.org