China Regional Customs Laboratory (Nanjing Customs Laboratory)
Customs Laboratories European Network (CLEN) : The launch page for information on the CLEN network.
India Central Revenues Control Laboratory : The launch page for information on India Central Revenues Control Laboratory.
Japan Central Customs Laboratory : The launch page for information on Japan Central Customs Laboratory.
- Collection of Good Practices on Customs Chemical Analysis (members only)
Good practices compendium focused on chemical analysis.
- Vol 1 – Focused on the food sections of the HS.
- Vol 2 – Focused on petroleum and its derivative.
- Vol 3 – Focused on alcohol beverage.
- Vol 4 – Focused on Starch.
- Vol 5 – Focused on the field of “base metals” and “minerals”.
- Vol 6 - 1, Vol 6 - 2 – Focused on the field of “polymer and its relative products”.
- Vol 7 – Focused on the field of “Textiles and Textile articles”.
- Vol 8 – Includes Good Practices on the field of “Foodstuff”, “Base metals and minerals”, etc.
- Vol 9 – Includes Good Practices on the field of “Woods”, “Inorganic materials”, etc.
- RCL Japan Brief
The latest news or topics on RCL Japan.
Korea Central Customs Laboratory: The launch page for information on Korea Central Customs Laboratory.
- RCL Korea Brief
The latest news or topics on Korea RCL.
Russian Federation Laboratories : The launch page for information on Russian Federation Laboratories.