Regional Customs Laboratories (RCLs)

Links to the website of some RCLs and related information provided by them.

China Regional Customs Laboratory (Nanjing Customs Laboratory)

Customs Laboratories European Network (CLEN) : The launch page for information on the CLEN network.

India Central Revenues Control Laboratory : The launch page for information on India Central Revenues Control Laboratory.

Japan Central Customs Laboratory : The launch page for information on Japan Central Customs Laboratory.

  • Collection of Good Practices on Customs Chemical Analysis (members only)
    Good practices compendium focused on chemical analysis.
    • Vol 1 – Focused on the food sections of the HS.
    • Vol 2 – Focused on petroleum and its derivative.
    • Vol 3 – Focused on alcohol beverage.
    • Vol 4 – Focused on Starch.
    • Vol 5 – Focused on the field of “base metals” and “minerals”.
    • Vol 6 - 1, Vol 6 - 2 – Focused on the field of “polymer and its relative products”.
    • Vol 7 – Focused on the field of “Textiles and Textile articles”.
    • Vol 8 – Includes Good Practices on the field of “Foodstuff”, “Base metals and minerals”, etc.
    • Vol 9 – Includes Good Practices on the field of “Woods”, “Inorganic materials”, etc.

Korea Central Customs Laboratory: The launch page for information on Korea Central Customs Laboratory.

Russian Federation Laboratories : The launch page for information on Russian Federation Laboratories.

Event Information

Information on events (e.g. workshops, seminars) organized by RCLs

  • RCL India

RCL India will be organizing four training courses, open to international participation, as outlined in the table below.


Title of the Course



No of seat


Chemical analysis of drug of abuse and their precursor chemicals

In person

16.12.2024 to 20.12.2024
(01 weeks)



Chemical analysis of customs samples & their HS classification

In person

20.01.2025 to 31.01.2025
(02 weeks)



Chemical testing of customs samples for their correct identification & classification as per HS by state-of-art equipment

In person

03.02.2025 to 07.02.2025
(01 Weeks)



Professional programme for illicit drugs & HS goods by modern analytical tools

In person

24.02.2025 to 07.03.2025
(02 weeks)


Details of the training courses can be found on the following link