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The Republic of Guatemala becomes the 131st Contracting Party to the Revised Kyoto Convention (RKC) after its accession to the Convention

10 марта 2022

On 10 March 2022, during the ongoing 28th Revised Kyoto Convention Management Committee’s Meeting, Dr. Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the World Customs Organization (WCO), in his capacity as the depositary of the Convention, received the Instrument of Accession of the Republic of Guatemala to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (Revised Kyoto Convention - RKC) from Mr. Marco Livio Diaz Reyes, the Superintendent of Tax Administration of Guatemala (SAT) in the presence of H.E Mr. José Gabriel Lambour Peñalonzo, Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala to the Kingdom of Belgium and Mr. Werner Ovalle, the Director General of Guatemala Customs, at the WCO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

Secretary General Mikuriya had a meeting with the Superintendent of SAT and the Director General of Customs and acknowledged that Guatemala, as Vice-Chair of the WCO Americas and Caribbean region, is seen as a leader and showcase for the use of WCO instruments. He also highlighted that the RKC is recognized as a major trade facilitation instrument, as it includes key elements for the application of simplified customs procedures in a predictable and transparent environment, the optimal use of information technology, the utilization of risk management for efficient Customs control, a strong partnership with the trade and other stakeholders, and a readily accessible system of appeals.

At the RKC Management Meeting, the Secretary General welcomed Guatemala to the RKC family. While acknowledging the support of the Director General of Customs to the work of the WCO, the Secretary General indicated that the accession marked another sign of cooperation between the WCO and the Republic of Guatemala.

Mr. Werner Ovalle, the Director General of Guatemala Customs and Vice-Chair of the region, expressed his appreciation to the WCO for the technical support offered to the Republic of Guatemala during the accession process, and re-affirmed their commitment to be an active member of the RKC Management Committee. He also indicated that his country was ready to start implementing the provisions of the Convention by improving customs processes.

Ambassador José Gabriel Lambour Peñalonzo thanked the WCO for its support and expressed the commitment of Guatemala to adopt international standards and enhance the performance of Customs.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat to the world, the WCO welcomes the growing number of Contracting Parties to the RKC, especially as it provides core provisions for the management of relief consignments during emergency situations and is at the core of the WCO’s Economic Competitiveness Package (ECP). Having entered into force on 3 February 2006, and with the accession of the Republic of Guatemala, the Convention now has 131 Contracting Parties.