Workshop on the WCO PICARD Programme

02 March 2009
Workshop on the WCO PICARD Programme

March 2009

The workshop on the WCO PICARD Programme (Partnership in Customs Academic Research and Development) took place on 26th and 27th of March 2009 in the Training Centre ofthe Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova.

The workshop was organised with the assistance of EUBAM and delivered by the WCO's expert, Ms Riitta Passi, PICARD Programme Manager.

Two-day seminar focused on the development of the Curriculum and implementation of the PICARD Professional standards and best practices in the field of professional training of customs officers.

Agenda of the workshop covered presentation of the current training system of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, its Institutional Development Plan in the field of Human Resources, presentation of the PICARD Program, standards and procedures, practical examples on how to develop Customs Curriculum and drafting training plans.

During the workshop, the WCO's expert, Ms Riitta Passi had participated on the ceremony for issuing of certificates for newly-hired customs inspectors, who graduated the initial training courses.