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WCO delivers Risk-based Passenger Selectivity Workshop in Azerbaijan

25 noviembre 2015

The WCO, in cooperation with Azerbaijan Customs, and funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of Germany, organized a Risk-based Selectivity Workshop in Baku, Azerbaijan from 12 to 13 November 2015. The workshop was attended by 46 Customs officers from Headquarters and field-level offices.

Mr. Shahin Baghirov, Deputy Chairman and Mr. Javad Gasimov, Chief of Customs Control Head Department attended the opening.

In their opening remarks, Mr. Shahin Baghirov, Deputy Chairman and the WCO representative highlighted the importance of risk-based approach while selecting the passengers, cargo and conveyances for physical examination. They also emphasized the relationships between risk-based selectivity and effective resource allocation, facilitation and controls.

Risk management at the organizational and operational levels were covered during the first day of the workshop; risk-based selectivity (i.e. risk assessment, profiling and targeting, including information and intelligence) was covered during the second day which included syndicate group work, practical exercises, case studies. Each session was followed by a "questions and answers" session.

During the workshop, participants discussed how to identify and address risks as well as how to develop an effective profile by using the methodology explained in the WCO Customs Risk Management Compendium. Case studies and practical exercises also contributed to their further understanding of the various topics.



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  • L’OMD organise un atelier sur la sélection des voyageurs basée sur les risques en Azerbaïdjan

    L’OMD organise un atelier sur la sélection des voyageurs basée sur les risques en Azerbaïdjan

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