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WCO Revised Arusha Declaration available digitally in 8 languages

03 junio 2022

The Revised Arusha Declaration, the WCO’s central policy document concerning good governance and integrity in Customs, is now available digitally, for faster and more user-friendly navigation directly via this link:

With funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) via the WCO Anti-Corruption & Integrity Promotion (A-CIP) Programme – which is extensively using the Revised Arusha Declaration to support over 20 Member administration to implement anti-corruption measures – this new digital resource improves access to this important WCO policy document.

The content of the Declaration remains unchanged, but users – Customs officials and private stakeholders alike – can now see it from their fingertips on their smartphone, and in a few clicks from their computer. Furthermore, the Declaration can be downloaded or embedded on Customs administrations’ own websites, and is available in English, French, German, Norwegian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic.

The Revised Arusha Declaration Concerning Good Governance & Integrity in Customs draws from WCO Member experiences and provides a practical approach for anti-corruption policies and practices. It lists 10 key factors for effective and holistic integrity programmes, including prevention and control and promotes collective action. The WCO Revised Arusha Declaration provides an institution-specific response to corruption that complements the legally binding United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace