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WCO and UNCTAD work hand in hand to support the implementation of ASYPM in Jamaica

12 juin 2018

The World Customs Organization (WCO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) conducted a joint mission in Jamaica from 24 to 30 May 2018. The mission aimed at developing Jamaica’s expertise in data analytics capacities in the ASYCUDA Performance Measurement (ASYPM) module. ASYPM utilizes the customs data (operational and transactional) present in the ASYCUDA World (AW) system to study operational trends and assist in the decision-making process.   The indicators are intelligence-based and used to produce quantitative data to illustrate reforms and processes.

In highly interactive sessions, the WCO and UNCTAD presented the current work on Performance Measurement, a topic of critical importance in both organizations’ strategic agendas.  In relation to the data validation, the facilitators alongside the Project Performance Team members reduced the priority indicators to a more workable number and were able to identify trends and specific procedures that after embedded in the AW, will facilitate the calculation of clearance time for all declarations.

An Action Plan was defined to keep the track of future activities and follow-up on specific requirements, such as data extraction and uploading into ASYPM.  The CEO/Commissioner of Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) and incoming CBC10 Chair, Mrs. Velma Ricketts Walker, stressed her continued support in ensuring that staff continue to acquire performance measurement expertise to facilitate informed decisions.

The mission was a valuable opportunity for a cooperative approach between international organizations in the reform and modernization efforts of the JCA.